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The main factors affecting the precision of industrial peristaltic pump

2022-01-13 17:25:02

Industrial peristaltic pump is a kind of hose pump,relying on the flexibility of the hose to work,both can be continuous transmission,can also be filled,liquid only flows through the hose,so the health grade is higher in all pump types.Industrial peristaltic pump has good self-sealing,can be simplified in the design of the pipeline,so in recent years,more and more filling machinery began to use peristaltic pump as a filling unit.

But peristaltic pump because of some of its own structural characteristics,will make the peristaltic pump in the use of transmission accuracy problems.Industrial peristaltic pump liquid transmission is a stream of transmission,if the amount between each stream is equal,then whether filling or continuous transmission can be very accurate results.The volume of this stream of liquid is the volume of the tube chamber between the two rollers of the peristaltic pump.

This cavity is formed by two factors:two rollers are required to squeeze the cutoff.The flexibility of the hose itself is required,and the elasticity of the hose will change during operation,so the volume of the cavity will also change,resulting in the problem of transmission accuracy.A new tube has a circular cross section,and when squeezed on a peristaltic pump for a few minutes,the cross section of the tube will become an elliptical shape.This change time is very short.

The ellipse shape will gradually change into a more ellipse shape.This process is relatively long and the change quantity is relatively slow,so the velocity attenuation of the new pipe is relatively fast at the beginning,and will gradually slow down until the hose breaks.Therefore,the accuracy of the peristaltic pump is all caused by changes in the elasticity of the hose.

The changes in the flexibility of the hose are divided into three aspects:the elastic characteristics of the hose itself;The dimension precision of pump head;The change in the fluid being transferred.In order to improve the accuracy of peristaltic pump,it is necessary to eliminate and optimize the above influencing factors one by one.
