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Do micro peristaltic pumps have limitations in use

2022-01-13 17:14:15

For such a product as micro peristaltic pump,it is very common in people's life,but there are also a lot of matters needing attention in the process of use.Mainly because such a product in the process of use,there are many limitations,but this will not affect the use of such a product for consumers.

Any product has a two-way function,there are disadvantages,but also some great advantages,so people are willing to use such a product.For such a product as micro peristaltic pump,in the process of use,there is a great pressure limit,mainly because this product may be under relatively large pressure when in use,and it may produce a pulse flow.

But don't worry,there are a few things you can do about it.In the process of use,if there is any problem,timely repair,so as not to cause problems.At the time of purchase,choose some after-sales service guarantee of the store,when there is a problem,but also can be timely replacement and solution.

In general,pulse suppressors can solve such problems.Because the working principle of main air is more than the liquid compressibility,so better able to assist in this kind of machine,by adjusting the rotational speed and change some flow changes,to carry on the related operations to improve,a way is very good,so also need to pay attention to,in the process of purchase,choose some good quality products is also very necessary,Can save a lot of unnecessary trouble and confusion.

In short,the peristaltic pump silicone tube will have pressure limitations:but the use of flexible tube will make the pressure is limited,in addition,the pump will produce a pulse flow in operation,the flow will change with time,attenuation.Due to hose wear caused by pump outlet pressure has certain limitations,generally not more than 0.3mpa,usually between 0.1_0.2mpa.

